Progress on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Arab Region: Comprehensive baseline assessment of regional, sub-regional and national progress and challenges for achieving SCP and the SDGs

Progress on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Arab Region: Comprehensive baseline assessment of regional, sub-regional and national progress and challenges for achieving SCP and the SDGs.


SDG12: Responsible consumption and production
Sustainable Consumption and Production
sustainable consumption and production

This report aims to provide a useful background report on progress, trends, challenges and leading practice on SCP in the Arab region to inform discussions at the 5th Roundtable Meeting on SCP. The objectives are:

  • To provide a progress report on regional implementation of the 10YFP, the Arab Regional Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ARSSCP) as well as the SCP-related targets of the SDGs.
  • To assess progress on a broad range of SCP indicators at the regional, sub-regional and national levels.
  • To assess and compare national progress on SCP for each Arab country including progress, challenges and gaps for achieving selected 2030 SDG targets related to SCP.
  • To provide conclusions and recommendations to enhance alignment and implementation of SCP and the SDGs in the region.
