Discovery - Global Supply Chains; Resilience & Responsibility

In this special issue of RSM Discovery, our SCM faculty and senior executives shine a light on recent projects and management transitions that deal with aspects of making supply chains more resilient and responsible.


SDG3: Good health and well-being for people
SDG8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
Global Supply Chains: resilience and responsibility
supply chains
vaccine distribution
humanitarian logistics

1. Developing responsible and resilient supply chains. By Rob Zuidwijk, Professor of Global Supply Chains and Ports; Merieke Stevens, Associate Professor of Technology and Operations Management; and PhD candidate Linh Nguyen

2. How the pandemic helped a Spanish fashion company reinvent itself. By Adriana Domínguez – guest speaker on the RSM EMBA programme and Executive President of Spanish fashion firm Adolfo Domínguez

3. What can business learn from humani­tarian supply chains? By Harwin de Vries

4. Combatting counter­feiting in the global supply chain by Albert Veenstra, Professor of Trade and Logistics, and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management Morteza Pourakbar

5. Buyer beware! Ethical challenges in corporate procurement. By Fanny Chen, PhD candidate, Jan van Dalen, Associate Professor of Statistics and Finn Wynstra, Professor of Purchasing and Supply Management

6. Making ambulance services accessible and affordable. By Brian Bollen

7. Covid vaccination: last-mile distribution strategies matter. By Cynthia Qingxia Kong, Associate Professor of Operations Management, Harwin de Vries, Assistant Professor and Abed Kayyal, pre-doctoral research at the INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group in France
