International Law in Focus Series – Session 3: International Space Law

UNITAR is delighted to start the new "International Law in Focus" workshop series that will explore cutting-edge legal topics. The third topic to focus on will be International Space Law.


SDG16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
International Space Law
cyber security
international law

Space law is a relatively recent field of international law, yet in a rapid change and constant development. It covers space-related activities such as public and private space exploration, liability for damages caused by space objects, environmental preservation and new space-related technologies. The three interactive e-workshops on space law will introduce participants to the main legal instruments governing the spatial environment and the role of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) to space law-making. Participants will then deepen their knowledge on national space law and space security law. Our experts will give then the necessary tools to discuss the challenges that space law is and will continue to face in the future, namely, among others, debris mitigation, space traffic and cybersecurity.

Each workshop will run for 4 hours. The respective e-workshops will be conducted via the platform Zoom and will be facilitated by an expert on the theme. The material presented in the workshop will be interactive and assignments will be given for participants to further advance their knowledge. At the end of the week, participants will be asked to complete a knowledge assessment.

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Target Audience

The International Law in Focus Series is aimed at students and professionals seeking a deeper understanding of international law.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Identify and analyze the legal framework regulating space activities;
  • Identify the main legal issues related to the application of space law;
  • Describe the main challenges related to space security.
