Primer Series on ICTD for Youth

"Primer Series on ICTD for Youth" (Primer Series) aims to cultivate students and youth to become future leaders who are equipped with the knowledge and skills on using ICT for sustainable development.


SDG9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG 17: Trade
sustainable development

Recognizing the potential of students and youth to contribute to national and regional development efforts, APCICT has initiated the ˜Turning Today's Youth into Tomorrow's Leaders' programme. This umbrella programme seeks to impart key knowledge of ICT for Development (ICTD) to students and youth. As a part of this programme, APCICT has developed a project that aims to create a cadre of future leaders equipped with the capacity to use ICTs for achieving development goals. This is proposed to be accomplished through enhanced coverage of ICT for Development (ICTD) in undergraduate and graduate programmes at universities in the Asia-Pacific region.

Under this project the Primer Series on ICTD for Youth' (Primer Series) was created. The Primer Series aims to serve as a tool to help educators fill the gap in ICTD coverage in universities. It is composed of multiple issues addressing a range of topics in ICTD. This series is intended for students from both technical and non-technical backgrounds, and is flexible enough for use in different national contexts. The Primer Series was officially launched through a Training of Trainers workshop organized in Azerbaijan, in February 2012.

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Target Audience

Students, Youth, and Sustainable Development Practitioners.

Learning Objectives

To equip with the knowledge and skills on using ICT for sustainable development.
