The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR19)

The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk. GAR19 Distilled collates 10 observations to provoke us to re-examine what and how we think about risk, the issues and our corresponding actions.


SDG1: No poverty
SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities
SDG13: Climate action
Disaster risk reduction
climate resilience
disaster resilience
disaster risk reduction
good governance
risk governance

This edition of the UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR19) represents a major step towards a twenty-first century view of risk and its reduction – an understanding that is imperative in our collective efforts to craft a sustainable future. GAR19 is the first punctuation mark in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It offers an update on progress made in implementing the outcome, goal, targets and priorities of the Sendai Framework and disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals. It provides an analysis of how risk science is changing, presents areas for additional endeavour, and explores aspects of understanding and managing systemic risk. It presents innovative research and practice for pursuing risk-informed sustainable development, and provides an introduction to the wider scope and nature of hazards and related risks to be considered.
