Mapping population exposure to flood hazards: Step-by- step guide on the use QGIS

This guide shows you step-by-step how to generate a map which shows the percentage of the population exposed to flood hazard.


2030 Agenda
SDG13: Climate action
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG 17: Capacity-building
Mapping exposure to flood hazard
Environment and multi-domain statistics
Methodology and statistical processes
Data processing and analysis
disaster preparedness

For illustrative purposes we have focused on one type of flood hazard, riverine floods and one geographical area, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. The maps generated are shown together with explanation of the applied methodology. The guide explains how to generate similar maps for hazard types and geographical areas of your own choosing.

The guide uses Copernicus Global Land Cover data, Census data and Administrative Boundaries data and Flood Hazard data to generate the maps shown. The guide explains the use of open-source software, namely Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) to construct the maps.
