SDG Indicators 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 - Plant and Animal Genetic Resources

This course presents tools, methods and processes to monitor and report on Indicators 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 within Goal 2 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.


SDG2: Zero hunger
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG 17: Systemic Issues
Plant and animal genetic resources
Environment and multi-domain statistics
2030 Agenda
data collection
genetic resources
SDG indicators

This course has been developed to support countries in the analysis and reporting for SDG Indicators 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. These indicators measure the achievement of SDG target 2.5, which focuses on maintaining genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species. The course illustrates the fundamental concepts upon which the methodology is based.

The course consists of 7 lessons, ranging from approximately 25 to 75 minutes duration each:

  • Lesson 1 Introduction
  • Lesson 2 Plant genetic diversity for food and agriculture
  • Lesson 3 Monitoring plant genetic resources in genebanks
  • Lesson 4 Interpreting and communicating results on plant genetic resources
  • Lesson 5 Animal genetic diversity for food and agriculture
  • Lesson 6 Gathering information and data on animal genetic resources
  • Lesson 7 Interpreting and communicating results on animal genetic resources

Watch this video to find out more:

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Target Audience

This course is primarily intended for those who play a role in data collection, analysis and reporting for the SDG Indicators 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 (Plant and Animal Genetic Resources), as well as for people with an interest in the process, including:

  • Policy makers or advisors
  • National coordinators/ focal points for animal or plant genetic resources
  • Data analysts

Learning Objectives

You will learn about:

  • Understanding the concept of genetic resources for food and agriculture, how to conserve these resources and the main threats to plant and animal diversity
  • Discusses how to monitor, conserve and report on plant genetic resources, as well as how to interpret SDG Indicator 2.5.1 from WIEWS
  • Discusses how to monitor, conserve and report on animal genetic resources, as well as how to interpret SDG Indicators 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 from DAD-IS
