SDG Indicator 2.a.1 – Agriculture orientation index

This course presents tools, methods and processes to monitor and report on Indicator 2.a.1 "Agriculture orientation index" within Goal 2 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.


SDG2: Zero hunger
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG 17: Systemic Issues
Economic statistics
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries
Methodology and statistical processes
Data processing and analysis
2030 Agenda
orientation index
SDG Indicator 2.a.1
SDG indicators

This course focuses on SDG Indicator 2.a.1Agriculture orientation index for government expenditure. The course illustrates the indicator, its rationale, the methodology and statistical classifications it is based on, and the challenges that countries may face when compiling the data.

The course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 30 minutes duration each:

  • Lesson 1 The role of public finance in Goal 2 and Target 2.a of the 2030 Agenda
  • Lesson 2 Target 2.a and indicator 2.a.1
  • Lesson 3 Compilation of Government Expenditure on Agriculture questionnaire
  • Lesson 4 Countries’ role in compiling government expenditure data

Watch this video to find out more:

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Target Audience

This course is primarily intended for professionals who play a role in the data collection, analysis and reporting on SDG Indicator 2.a.1, as well as for people with an interest in the process. They include policy-makers, data producers, and professionals in charge of compiling the Government Expenditure on Agriculture questionnaire.

Learning Objectives

You will learn about:

  • Fundamental role of public finance in supporting agriculture
  • How SDG Indicator 2.a.1 is calculated
  • How the Indicator can help monitoring Target 2.a of the 2030 Development Agenda
  • Data collection, compilation and reporting process for SDG Indicator 2.a.1
  • Role of countries in compiling government expenditure data
