Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility

This course introduces participants to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It includes a checklist that helps SMEs to identify the most productive way for them to engage with the various aspects of CSR.


SDG4: Quality education
SDG8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
Corporate Sustainability
corporate sustainability
medium enterprise
small enterprise
social and solidarity economy

This course introduces participants to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It begins by introducing participants to the definition and importance of CSR, with a particular focus on the business drivers of CSR involvement for an SME. Highlighting the risks and rewards of becoming involved in CSR, the course formulates the concept in terms of 3 pillars, which cover a number of concrete sustainability topics. Finally, the course concludes by showing participants how to understand their company’s position in the CSR environment, providing them with a “CSR Readiness Checklist.” This checklist helps SMEs to identify the most productive way for them to engage with the various aspects of CSR.

This course was developed thanks the Dutch and German import promotion agencies, respectively CBI and IPD.

Target Audience

Managers and employees of companies of any size, business support organizations and policy makers. Students may also be interested.

Learning Objectives

Being able to:

  • Determine the importance of CSR to the organization and its stakeholders;
  • Identify relevant topics and instruments to develop a CSR strategy; and
  • Complete the practical CSR readiness checklist, which can also serve as a take-away from the course.
