Advanced Techniques for Evaluating Public Projects

The Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) has included a course on advanced topics on project evaluation to complement training options for public sector professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean.


SDG9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
Project evaluation

The Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) has included a course on advanced topics on project evaluation to complement training options for public sector professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean. For more than a decade the institute has been delivering courses related to the formulation and evaluation of projects and this is a course that delivers the most recent methodological advances in project evaluation. The course is based on active training methods, oriented to the requirements of professionals who fulfil functions of institutional importance under the modality of “learning by doing”. Participants will have the opportunity to review new concepts, develop criteria and apply techniques and instruments by systematically conducting workshops on specific project topics. In the lectures, the conceptual foundations of the different topics of project evaluation will be presented. Workshops will be held where students, gathered in groups, can apply the techniques developed in the classes.

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Target Audience

Public Servants, Political Decision makers, Local Authorities, Academia, NGOs, Researchers, Consultants.

Learning Objectives

The participants will be able to incorporate advanced themes to methodologies used in the functions of evaluation of public and private projects, thus contributing to improve the quality of the investment. Participants will generate knowledge about techniques in recent use and / or knowledge about trends in project evaluation.
